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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5AM  CBS  August 5, 2010 4:00am-5:00am PST

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good morning. i'm ann notarangelo. john and sydnie are off. here are some of the stories we're covering today. even though the ban against same-sex marriage has been turned over, they can't get married at least for now. when the judge will rule on that and what happens next in the whole proposition 8 debate. the next step could come as early as today to permanently fix the blown-out oil well in the gulf. forcing cement to seal the leak. and we are going to tell you about the creative survival technique one woman used to get help after robbers invaded her house and tied her up. that's a clue. >> he toes look nice. >> we are going to get a close- up. she had a pedicure. >> i'm amazed she had the composure. elizabeth starts with traffic. we have a water main break in san lorenzo. bachmann road is closed between via me deyeah and via reba. apparently they have to replace
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the gas lines in the area and repave. it will be close to lunchtime when they can get that street reopens. you can see it butts up to the freeway. there is a middle school, as well. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. >> that's one of the things i dread that one day i'll be going across the bridge and my car will get stuck. >> a lot of stalls out there. >> there are,ching unfortunately. out the door low clouds and fog inland, bay and coast. even drizzle expected inland at bay. temperatures this morning ranging from the lower to the mid-50s. our seven-day forecast, plenty of sunshine expected but those temperatures do remain below average, mid-80s inland. lower 60s for the bay. just near 60 at the coast. cool to mild and then staying below normal saturday, sunday,
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monday, tuesday and wednesday. so i'm sure for people well out in the east bay they are probably loving the fact that they are not having to deal with 90s. but here closer to the bay area it's a little chilly. tracy, back to you. >> we're loving the cool temperatures. >> you're my east bay representation. >> you're doing a fan us will job. >> thank you very much. you're the only person that's saying that. >> i know. >> a lot of people want beach weather. all righty. an off-duty federal agent put an attempted robbery suggestion respect in the hospital this morning. the suspect was shot in the chest in san francisco's bayview neighborhood at midnight. his condition is not known this morning. police are holding another man as a possible second suspect. the off-duty officer is an irs agent involved in criminal investigations. two suspects friday to rob that agent apparently on marlin court. well, tomorrow the federal judge in the proposition 8 case will decide whether to extend
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his stay on same-sex marriages until appeals are held. judge vaughn walker ruled yesterday that a ban on same- sex marriages is unconstitutional. in overturning prop eight, walker says, moral disapproval alone is an improper basis on which to deny rights to gay men and lesbians. [ cheering ] >> a might expect, a celebration in the streets in san francisco's castro district last night. earlier in the evening, hundreds of supporters of same- sex marriage marched along market street to city hall. what's next in that regard? anne makovec has a look at the next step in the case. >> reporter: we know that there's going to be no same-sex marriages here at city hall today and for at least most of tomorrow. the bottom line is will this
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stay stand? the judge will rule on that as soon as tomorrow so in theory weddings could resume, there is a small chance of it, at least this weekend. so let's take a look. i know it's a little confusing at what's going on now and what's next. the temporary stay that maintains the ban on same-sex marriage while the judge considers whether to suspend his ruling during the appeals process by friday, tomorrow, both sides submitting written statements to the judge so he can decide. the first appeal will happen in the ninth u.s. circuit court of appeals in san francisco. the losing side must file a merits appeal asking the court to decide if judge walker's ruling was proper. both sides want that quickly. beyond that it is expected that the case will go to the u.s. supreme court. but as word of the ruling was getting out yesterday, there were some moments of confusion, couples hoping they could get married at city hall immediately. but nine minutes after the
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ruling the stay was made official. >> i was actually calling back east to some of the folks that i know in the boies law firm to say, look, what is your opinion as we're sifting through this? because we have people lined up and i need to tell them what to do and literally by the time that was processed, we got the official stay, someone got on the blackberry and said wait a second, and then we stopped. >> reporter: but they may soon restart. that is the goal for these couples who brought this case to the federal court last year. their trial started in january. the plaintiffs arguing that prop 8 violated the right to equal protection and chief u.s. district judge vaughn walker declared that limiting marriage to a man and woman serves no purpose and is an artifact rooted in unfounded stereotypes and prejudices. now, while the ruling affects only california, the appeal will go to the ninth u.s. district court of appeals which has jurisdiction over nine western states and that is how it could ultimately land at the
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u.s. supreme court. so this is the first bump in a long road for both sides as they try to make this all official. ann. >> anne makovec in san francisco, thank you. i think it's absolutely fabulous. i really didn't expect it to turn out this way? >> rallies in several bay area communities after the ruling. in the south bay, supporters of same-sex marriage met for a rally at billy dee frank community center in san jose later marching downtown to celebrate. [ applause and cheers ] >> same story in sacramento. hundreds of people gathered in midtown last night to support the judge's decision. even with all the celebration, supporters say they realize the fight is still far from over. >> for more coverage of the decision on our website -- we have it on our website, including the judge's ruling in its entirety. check out well, a new contract proposal from san jose firefighters is rejected by
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city officials. after 49 firefighters were laid off this past weekend, the firefighters union came up with a new package of concessions and they included a 5% cut intake home pay and increased co-pays for doctor visits and prescription drugs. but the "mercury news" reports the city council wants to cut total compensation by nearly 9%. the council wants the union to let its members vote on that. oakland mayor ron dellums is not running for re-election in november. he made the announcement in private yesterday to a few staff members. and then he released a statement to the public. there were no specifics as to why he is not running other than, quote, it's time to pass batton to the next generation of leadership. the brother of of a san francisco giants player accused of five hit-and-run incidents in danville is expected to be arraigned today. 23-year-old cainan schierholtz faces charges that include hit- and-run, drunk driving and
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driving without a license. on sunday morning a bicyclist was the first one hit by a red pickup truck. the truck then hit a pedestrian, pickup, light pole and lexus with two people in it. the suspect is the younger brother of giants outfielder nate schierholtz. he is being held on $350,000 bail. adding a fee to alcohol sales, that's what's san francisco isconsidering, a charge for harm ordinance, the idea to get distributors to pay a fee that would finance alcohol recovery programs and other costs. the costs would be passed on to businesses and then customers and that might drive away business. if approved the fee would generate $16 million a year. time now 5:08. some positive news for riders of a.c. transit. up next, buses should be back on schedule after a junk ruled
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management cannot force the contract on drivers. a south bay school heavily damaged by fire gets some help in its effort to rebuild. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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this is the back to school list. the cost always makes mom freak. mommy. mom, the back to school list is here. looks expensive. graphing calculator, flash drives... that was easy. [ male announcer ] get back to school and back to savings on everything on your list at staples.
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there was a water main break in san lorenzo and they have closed a stretch of bachmann road near via ribba. they are hoping to get a lane open by lunchtime. an update on this and your morning commute is coming up, traffic in six minutes. a.c. transit service may soon return to normal starting sunday when the transit system switches back to the old sketches to comply with a court ruling. on monday, an alameda county
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judge ruled that a.c. transit drivers will not have to work under a new contract imposed by management. the judge suspended the contract that went into effect last month. a.c. transit has reported a higher rate of sick calls since the contract was imposed and now an arbitrator will help the two sides work out a contract. a san jose elementary school destroyed by an arsonist has gotten a financial boost. a san jose firefighters burn foundation is donating $5,000 to help trace elementary school. the school burned on july 5. there have been no arrests. meanwhile, crews are working to get portable classrooms in place for the start of school in a week and a half. today bp plans to start pumping cement down the blown- out well in the gulf, that after engineers had success with the static kill method. crews forced mud down the well yesterday and bp says it has pushed the oil back down to its source for the first time since the rig exploded in april. the government says relief
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wells will still -- wells will still be needed to ensure the damaged well is dead for good. as you mentioned earlier, san francisco supervisors are considering a so-called charge for harm ordinance. it's essentially a booze fee. the idea to get alcohol distributers to pay a fee that would finance treatment programs and pay for responses to emergencies related to drinking. all right. so what do you think? do you think it's reasonable for a city to charge alcohol distributors a fee to pay for alcohol-related city expenses? send your answers to we are also on facebook and twitter. time now 5:13. thick fog making it drizzly out there again this morning. tracy used those windshields wipers for the first time in months. >> i had mine on this morning. windshield wipers for the coast and the bay. what about the afternoon forecast? temperatures are slightly cooler than normal. we'll take a look at today's forecasted highs and let now if any warmer weather may be on the way.
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but this is warm, fresh-baked strawberry toaster strudel. [ music ] see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel, the one kids want to eat. ♪ whoa! do you know what our favorite part of shooting hoops is? 3...2...1... overtime! ♪ ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh good morning. we start off with a look at the bay bridge commute which gets a two thumbs up. everything is quiet across the bridge. they wrapped up the
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construction of the upper deck. same thing across the san mateo bridge. there was a stall on the span on westbound 92 that's now cleared to the right shoulder. never really caused any delays. we'll make it bigger. 13-minute drive time from hayward towards the peninsula. if you are traveling eastbound, quiet as well off the high- rise. this is an accident looks like it was actually just cleared. that's what that question mark is right there. it was in san mateo county, 92 just east of 35. so it's gone or off to the ride shoal. no injuries, never impacted traffic. and 880 through oakland, this is near the coliseum, looking good into downtown. we do have some live pictures of the water main breakthrough san lorenzo. bachmann road is closed between vee. >> media and via ariba. it's going to take a while to clear up, they have to fix a gas line and repave, they hope
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to open a lane opened by noon. remember our radio partners, kcbs 740-am and 106.9-fm. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. forecast for this morning, you know what? we got more clouds out there. and those clouds are all across the bay area. cloudy at the coast, at the bay and inland. drizzle for the coast and the bay, out the door you may have to hit the windshield wipers. this afternoon, sunny, mild, below average temperatures. today's highs in the mid-80s. at the bay, 70s. foggy and cool at the coast. livermore east bay, san jose down the south bay, sand rose in the north bay and san francisco just around the bay here and this is what we're expecting for today. those temperatures are 10 degrees cooler.
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59 degrees in san francisco. and i got an email from keith in alameda who say stop ragging on the cool weather. it's a good thing, he likes it. many of you at home like it, as well. lower 70s? santa clara and san jose. of the in mountain view, 69 los altos. those of you at the coast i'm sure you're hoping, looking for some sunshine but not today. upper 50s in daly city to pacifica to half moon bay. east bay location, another mild day mid-80s in antioch and brentwood. 78 in danville, 76 in san ramon, 77 in pleasanton. just along the bay 62 in berkeley and 64 in oakland. north bay location close to yesterday's highs in napa, sonoma, petaluma, 70 in kentfield, 66 mill valley and upper 50s in sausalito and san francisco. here's what i'm going to add. not that i don't like cooler weather but i live here in the bay area so i wouldn't mind the
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mid- to upper 60s if i could get my wish. but that doesn't always happen. cool to mild conditions thursday and friday and we will remain below normal saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday and wednesday. back to you. >> thank you. 5:20. an intruder ties up a woman to her bed, ran sacks her home. up next, the creative survival technique that she used to get help. n by for-profit c es are ,,,,,,,,,,
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jcpenney. >> s in a really nice indication of -- this is a really nice indication of what will happen in the bay later on today. low clouds and fog, 60. berkeley will squeeze out sunshine with a daytime high of 62. san ramon, 76. 84 antioch. we'll look at more bay area high temperatures for today in just a few moments.
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a federal reporting accusing some schools of using shady recruitment practices. as juliette goodrich reports, some vocational schools will get anything to get students to enroll. reporter: michael ferrera didn't have any doubts that enrolling in a $17,000 program at western career college was a good idea. when i went in and talked to the admissions representative, i felt like this is the place for me. i don't need to research anything. she sold me. >> reporter: when he graduated and hoping to land a job in a doctor's office he got a surprise. >> you must have at least two years experience in this field which is something that i was not told. >> reporter: pereira is not the only graduate getting a reality check. government investigators went undercover for 15 for profit colleges in six states. they found virtually all made
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misleading or incorrect statements to the undercover applicants. like overstating how much graduates could expect to earn. >> $600 a day and that's just on the low end. up to $1,000 a day. >> reporter: lying about how student loans work. >> the best thing about it, it's not like a car where if you don't pay they are going to come after you. >> reporter: and generally giving prospective students the hard sell. >> the exception was built into the admission department. >> reporter: joshua prime is a former admissions counselor at westwood college online. one of the 15 schools investigated. >> the most appalling example i can think of was when my assistant director of admissions on my team was presented with a best liar award at a team celebration. >> reporter: juliette goodrich, cbs 5 eyewitness news. well, all the schools received at least 90% of their
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revenue from federal student aid. the government is pushing for restrictions on the aid by requiring colleges to prove they live up to their claims. an atlanta woman was held at gunpoint and then tied to her bed as an intruder ransacked her home but it didn't stop her from trying to get help. with her laptop at the foot of her bed, amy windham used her toes to pry it open, send an instant message to her boyfriend. she demonstrated how she pulled it off. >> i used my right toe as a way to operate the mouse and to hit the left and right buttons and then i used this power cord and put it between my left toes and then used that to hit the keys. >> police arrived shortly after but the robber had already left. windham says although she may not have the world's prettiest feet, she says she thinks she will keep them. i know what you're thinking at home. you want to know, why isn't john kessler here to make a comment on that story?
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[ laughter ] >> all right. 5:26. we'll hear from a victim of the deadly bear attack in yellowstone park. what he believes may have prompted that attack, coming up in the next half hour. guys remember, we're a solar system. mars is down...and... um, it's only 10am. who hasn't had their jimmy dean breakfast this morning? mmmm! now lets orbit i feel awesome. you're all awesome.
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jimmy dean breakfast sandwiches, fight the morning fade.
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your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. good morning. it's thursday, august 5. i'm ann notarangelo. john and sydnie are off this morning. time now 5:29. elizabeth wenger is still here looking at traffic for us.
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hey, elizabeth. >> reporter: hey, ann. good morning. yeah, we have a new accident to report actually this one in oakland. southbound 880 as you approach high street, sounds like a car hit the wall. chp is on scene now or heading to the scene, they should be there shortly. the right lane is blocked. this is close to the coliseum, high street a little north to that. can't see anything from the camera but the right lane is blocked according to chp so our drive time isn't impacted yet, still 15 minutes from the maze to 238 in san leandro. live look at the golden gate bridge. nice looking shot. traffic is flowing great in all directions. really no big problems in marin county. the south bay, top speeds 101 looking great out of morgan hill. and downtown san jose you're fine on northbound 280. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. so our forecast for today, we are expecting more sunshine, temperatures still running cooler than average near 80 degrees in concord and in
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livermore. mid-60s in oakland, lower 70s in fremont, 73 in san jose, 70 redwood city, the coast and the bay 60s. upper 60s in vallejo, lower 70s in napa and santa. temperatures remain cool for this time of the year. seven-day forecast, cooler-than- normal temperatures saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday and wednesday. so we'll expect a fair amount of clouds at the coast. but otherwise sunshine for the bay and plenty of sunshine inland. that's a look at your weather. back up to you. >> thank you. one off duty federal agent put an attempted robbery suspects in the hospital this morning, shot in the chest in san francisco's bayview neighborhood at midnight. his condition is unknown. police are holding another man as a possible second suspect. the off-duty officer is an irs agent involved in criminal investigations. two suspects apparently tried to rob that agent on marlin
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court. well, tomorrow a federal judge in the proposition 8 case will decide whether to extend his stay on same-sex marriages until appeals are held. judge vaughn walker ruled yesterday that a ban on same- sex marriages is unconstitutional. in overturning prop 8, walker says, "moral disapproval alone is an improper basis on which to deny rights to gay men and lesbians." >> whoo! [ applause and cheers ] >> oh, but there is a celebration in the street in san francisco's castro district last night. earlier in the evening hundreds of supporters marched along market street to city hall. so what is next in the battle over same-sex marriage? anne makovec is at san francisco's city hall this morning with a look at what people can expect next. anne. >> reporter: a lot of people wondering when the san francisco city hall could be turned into same-sex marriage
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central again at the earliest and there is only a small chance of this -- same-sex marriages could be allowed here this weekend at the earliest. here's what's happening next. there is the temporary stay in place that maintains the ban on same-sex marriage while the judge considers whether to suspend his ruling during the appeals process. by tomorrow, both sides must submit written statements to the judge so he can decide that issue. then the first appeal will happen in the ninth u.s. circuit court in san francisco. the losing side must file what's called a merits appeal essentially asking the court to decide if judge walker's ruling was proper. that ruling is expected to take several months or more than a year. and beyond that, the case is expected to go to the u.s. supreme court. but as word of the ruling was getting out yesterday, there were some moments couples thought they might get married immediately. nine minutes after the ruling the stay was made official. >> so we threw the county clerk
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a curve ball. they weren't expecting us. >> they weren't expecting us to be here rushing and asking for marriage license. >> when you get a decision like that, why not? >> it's just judicial tyranny. he is taking away the rights of the voters to define the foundation of society, marriage between a man and a woman. >> reporter: the california republican party also weighed in on yesterday's ruling. it says it's firm in its stance on upholding traditional marriage. backers of prop 8, which was approved by 52% of california voters in 2008, say they are sure that it will prevail in the end. but a long legal road ahead, again the next step, will same- sex marriages be allowed in the meantime as the appeals process goes forward? we could not ruling on that tomorrow. >> we'll keep you posted. anne makovec, thank you very much. the brother of a san francisco giants player accused of five hit-and-run incidents in danville is expected to be
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arraigned today. 23-year-old cainan schierholtz faces charges that include met run, drunk driving and driving without a license. sunday morning a bicyclist was the first one hit by a red pickup truck. and then the truck hit a pedestrian, another pickup, a light pole and a lexus with two people inside. the suspect is the younger brother of giants outfielder nate schierholtz. a teenager sentenced for attacking a vallejo city employ see likely to get out of jail tomorrow. 17-year-old matthew hicks, jr., pleaded no contest last month for the attack on a backhoe operator. the attack, well, it was cause on tape last february. several juveniles attacked the driver after someone threw something at his vehicle and he got out to check. hicks was sentenced to one year in jail. he has been locked up for six points but could get out tomorrow because the jail awards inmates two days credit for each day served. a vietnamese activist pleads not guilty in a pepper
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spray attack on a musician at the santa clara convention center. 61-year-old ly tong claims self- defense. he faces five felony charges for the attack last month. dozens of people supporting the anticommunist activist have been in court to follow the case. he told supporters outside the courtroom that he acted to defend himself, his community and america. police say the attack was politically motivated. bay area beaches are among the worst in the state. that's according to an annual beach water report. testing the waters found a full 150 coastal beaches, san francisco has the highest bacteria rate. there were more than 100 beach closings or advisory days at aquatic park and pillar point at san mateo county last year. rankings are based on the bacterial standards and number of beach closings, among other factors. today bp plans to start
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pumping cement down the blown- out well in the gulf that after engineers had success with the static kill method. crews forced mud down the well yesterday. bp says it has pushed the oil back down to its source for the first time since the rig exploded in april. the government says relief wells will still be needed to ensure the damaged well is dead for good. supermodel naomi campbell is in court this morning but isn't on trial. she was ordered to testify about a "blood diamond" given to her by a former liberian leader. campbell isn't the only star involved in the trial. charlie d'agata reports. >> reporter: supermodel naomi campbell told a war crimes court at the hague she did receive diamonds during a 1997 trip to south africa. >> and when you opened up this pouch, what did you discover? >> i saw a few stones in there. and they were very small dirty looking stones. >> reporter: campbell said she
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didn't know who they were from but acts tress mia farrow told her they must have come from charles taylor. it's testimony prosecutors believe could help convict taylor of war crimes. taylor is accused of receiving diamonds from rebels in sierra leone in exchange for weapons during the country's bloody civil war. taylor allegedly sent campbell a diamond after a dinner party in south africa hosted by nelson mandela. actress mia farrow said campbell told her about it the next day. mia farrow is expected to testify next week. and the actress says she is confident her version of events is accurate. in her words, you don't forget when a girlfriend tells you she was given a huge diamond in the middle of the night. court observers say any proof the exchange took place could unravel charles taylor's defense. >> to say that he lied? >> to say that he lied because in his testimony as a witness in his own defense he said that he had never been in possession of diamonds. >> reporter: campbell will face
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intense questioning from taylor's defense attorneys. they want to make sure the celebrity is not the star witness that brings taylor down. charlie d'agata, cbs news, at the hague. elena kagan will probably be confirmed to serve as u.s. supreme court justice today. the senate is scheduled to vote on her nomination. most democrats both independents and a handful of republicans are expected to vote in her favor. show would replace justice john paul -- she would replace justice john paul stevens who is retiring. if kagan is seated, it will be the first time three female justices serve at the same time. one of the victims in last week's deadly bear attack near yellowstone park is talking about what happened. the young man is not afraid to go camping again despite being bitten in the leg. reporter: ronald singer seems to be doing just fine. >> i don't really have trouble sleeping. >> reporter: even though he was attacked by a grizzly while sleeping last week in his tent
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at the soda butte campground. ronald singer remembers all the details. >> the tent started shaking, slides two to three feet. the thing comes and grabs ahold of my leg. >> reporter: the 21-year-old from alamosa sits with his mom as he shows us his leg. he says i fought off the grizzly as she was biting him. >> so i sit up and i -- i look at it and i start punching it. >> reporter: wildlife officials took these photos of ronald singer's injuries just after they happened. >> 12 more days of stitches and then take those out and then i'm good to go. >> reporter: montana wildlife officials told us they have received a few calls from people suggesting a photographer was baiting wildlife with food in recent weeks to get good pictures. >> that's not very good of a cameraman because we got good pictures from the road. >> reporter: montana officials are investigating but haven't identified a specific person and for the first time, we see
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the three cubs of the grizzly that attacked ronald singer. their mother was put down. like their mother, these cubs are underweight. montana wildlife officials say the bears' weight alone doesn't explain last week's attack so as of now, there still appears no apparent reason for the attack. time now 5:41. oh, boy, indiana jones would have a field day! up next, digging into the bay area's prehistoric past at the caldecott tunnel. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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chp heading to an injury accident approaching high street in the southbound rates of the nimitz freeway. we have been trying to see if we can see anything by view of our camera and we can't. this is a little too far north but watch out for that.
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right now the car is on the shoulder. but once an ambulance gets there, there is a chance they may block a lane. according to our sensors and our live cameras at the dublin interchange everything is fine westbound 580. this is westbound traffic, those are the taillights. 15 minutes from the altamont pass to the dublin interchange. bart, muni on time. but if you are traveling ace train number one, it's running about 5 to 10 minutes behind schedule, having some signal issues. so we are watching to see what happens with ace number 3, but's number 1 is slightly behind schedule. san lorenzo crews are on scene trying to fix the water main break and they have closed a stretch of road, bachmann road is closed around via media and via arriba. they have to replace gas lines in the area and repave. so it's going to ak a while to re-open that stretch of road. they are saying close to noon before they can hopefully get
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one lane open. it's close to a middle school so it could affect -- i guess school is out so i don't know, but it could affect some people in the area. it's close to the nimitz freeway, as well. all right. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. our forecast for this morning, it is thursday couple of days away from the weekend. we are looking out toward the bay bridge and not so much fog in this particular area of the bay because we can see the bay bridge but we have some fog at the coastline, bay and even inland. daily planner, drizzle this morning for the coast and the bay. and temperatures ranging from the lower to the mid 50s. for this mid-50s. highs today in the mid-80s inland. cool at the bay around 70 and partly cloudy. staying cloudy with fog and cool temperatures at the coast. so we are staying unseasonably cool. let's look at our average daytime high in four locations and we'll juxtapose that versus today's highs.
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these temperatures 10 degrees below average. here's a look at your daytime highs. 67 in hayward, 72 fremont, 73 in santa clara, 80 degrees in morgan hill, 69 in los altos, mountain view and palo alto. and along the coastline, you only muster up to the upper 50s. here's a look well inland. mid-80s, that ain't bad. 84 antioch and brentwood, upper 70s in concord, pleasanton and danville, nice afternoon highs. lower 60s in berkeley and the mid-60s in oakland. i'm sure you east bay people miss your 90-degree weather, don't you? [ laughter ] >> yeah, right. lower 70s in napa, sonoma, petaluma and santa rosa. 70 in san rafael and kentfield. 66 in mill valley and just near 60 degrees in sausalito and in san francisco. our seven-day forecast, here we go, more sunshine today, we'll keep the sunshine in the forecast for all location
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except the immediate coast. and temperatures will keep the below norm -- below normal temperatures will be in the forecast well through the middle of next week. we are coming up on the weekend and this saturday the san francisco aloha festival the presidio parade grounds, temperatures in the lower 60s. i wouldn't reveal too much. it will be cool. the burlingame arts fest saturday sunny and mild. that's a look at your weather. back up to you. in the headlines, today bp plans to start pumping cement down the blown-out well in the gulf. crews forced mud down the well yesterday and the government says relief wells will still be needed to ensure that the damaged well is dead for good. the brother of a san francisco giants player accused of five hit-and-run incidence in danville is expected to be arraigned today. 23-year-old cainan schierholtz faces charges that include hit- and-run, drunk driving and driving without a license.
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he is being held on $350,000 bail. a robbery suspect is in the hospital after being shot by the intended victim overnight. it happened in san francisco's bayview neighborhood about midnight. the victim an off-duty irs agent. police are holding a second possible suspect in the attempted holdup. digging the fourth bore of the caldecott tunnel is turning up a prehistoric snapshot of the area. don ford shows us fossils that scientist believe have been there for many years. >> reporter: the construction of the fourth caldecott tunnel is going full bore. part of the hard hat brigade includes paleontologists, scientists who study fossles the here also, studying studiy rocks. >> it's more like enamel than bone, looks like a tooth. >> we found a large camel,
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about the size of a giraffe. >> reporter: josh wyatt works for paleoresource, a firm hired by caltrans to monitor any fossils that are unearthed while digging the new tunnels. they have found vertebrae, teeth, leg bones, even a small tooth from a rodent. >> so far, we have found over 500 samples in this unit, all right? and the whole project. >> reporter: scientists expected to find fossils. this is not the first time fossils have been uncovered at the caldecott tunnel. >> when tunnel 3 was put through, there was an ancient whale that was brought out of the bottom of the orinda, which surprised everybody because they didn't think it was marine. >> reporter: dr. fisk oversees the scientists working along side the construction workers. it can be dangerous work. but it's an invaluable lock back in time. >> fish. >> fish bones. >> just broke that open and you can see the fish bones that are
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sticking out there. >> reporter: do you feel like indiana jones? >> actually, my nieces call me that every once in a while. >> reporter: anyone can get a drive-by glimpse. look at this hillside. the brown part is old lava while the dark gray is an ancient riverbed. now turned on its side. this is where you will find the fossils. scientists have only scratched the surface of this project so far and found a ton of fossils. there is no telling, they say, what they will find once the real tunnel begins. in contra costa, don ford, cbs 5. that's cool. 5:50. started out as an ordinary police chase. hm. this one has a most unusual end. wait until you see what happened. we know everyone's looking for ways to save. why not save on car insurance? [ coin drops ] [ high-pitched voice ] thanks. [ normal voice ] you're welcome.
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"the 2-0. line drive. center field deep. goes back wells. looking up. see ya. there it is number 600." 35, a-rod is th barry bonds says he will be rooting for alex rodriguez as he goes for bonds' record. >> there it is, number 600! alex rodriguez the youngest man to get 600 home runs. >> 35, a-rod is the first to hit 600 home runs, exactly three years after hitting his 500th. barry bonds put a message on his website welcoming him to the 600 club adding he only has 136 to go. a police officer in maryland is relieved to be okay
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after an suv drove on his cruiser. he was in a police chase and became trapped on a one-way road between bethesda and silver spring. three teenaged suspects were inside. two suspects will be clark as adults. san francisco supervisors are considering a so-called charge for harm ordinance. the idea is to get alcohol distributors to pay a fee that would finance treatment programs and pay for responses to emergencies related to drinking. do you think it's reasonable for a city to charge alcohol distributors a fee to pay for alcohol-related city expenses? on facebook: companies don' r smoking
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don't want to be charged more because it trickles down to the consumers. >> and in your case we blame you for the weather. >> except for keith in alameda. >> i know. he is a newfound friend. >> he normally sends us e- mails from time to time and he made a good point. he just said that, you know, the cool weather for a lot of people, they are really enjoying it. >> walnut creek, concord, antioch, they appreciate the
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weather. >> absolutely. >> all right. let's talk about oakland.southbound 880 in high street, we are not seeing any delays. but ambulance crews are heading to the scene. there was an injury crash and the right lane may be blocked so your drive time still fine. 15 minutes from the maze to 238. watch out for that. chp and emergency crews on scene there. at the bay bridge toll plaza, traffic nice and light. no sign of any metering lights yet. we will let you know when they turn them on. and mass transit, a.c. transit delays likely again today as well as ace number one running five to 10 minutes behind schedule due to signal issues. ace train 3 is on time as well as bart and muni. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. a lot of people enjoying the cooler-than-normal forecast. a lot of people in the bay area -- i'm a little chilly. more sunshine around the bay with highs in the lower 60s inland today, the mid-80s and along the coastline a fair amount of clouds with highs
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really in the upper 50s. no major temperature shift except going down more if you can believe that. monday through wednesday we cool down lower 80s. lower 60s for the bay and the upper 50s at the coast. you know, not that i need to tell you this but i know the weekend is coming up. santa cruz boardwalk is always down there for your taking. saturday mid-60s. sun and clouds. and sunday 64. i have been to the boardwalk a couple of times. he love it. >> it's great. that picture makes me want to g i haven't been yet this summer. >> i have to take my kids there. they love the kiddie rides. they are fun there. >> fun for all ages. we sound like a promotional company. it is 5:57. in the next half hour a robbery suspect shot this morning. police say he and another man tried to rob an off-duty irs agent. and people on both sides of the same-sex marriage debate have barely had time to breathe since yesterday's big ruling. the fight continues. we'll tell you what's going on
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